19 January 2005

College Republicans Launch New Blog

Just in time to celebrate President Bush's second inaugural, College Republicans in our state announce their new blog. Feisty P.L.U. College Republican Club President Patrick Bell (a future Republican election lawyer, no doubt) makes this announcement:
"PLU College Republicans ("PLUCRs), in cooperation with the Washington State College Republican Federation ("WCRF") has launched a new blog... CR political commentary, events, and opinions will be coming soon. Keep an eye on us as we grow, and feel free to send us your comments or guest 'editorials'..."

Recently I have spent time with conservative students from five different universities in our state, and corresponded with many more. They have diverse and wide-ranging viewpoints, as you would hope and expect. But out of this diversity one common complaint emerges: they are fed up with abuse, scorn and anger being heaped on them by the liberal establishment faculty bulwark on their campuses. So at risk to their G.P.A.'s they are out, with blog's like The Rant at P.L.U., the Gonzaga-based Write Wing Conspiracy, and Western Washington Unraveled.

Groups like Students for Academic Freedom and Protest Warrior are great - I say let's see more from them in this state - but what WCRF Chapters really need is your active financial support and involvement as alumni of our state's universities - or adopt the university closest to where you live. A little encouragement goes a long way.

posted at Sound Politics

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