05 November 2004

Left Wing Acts On Its Outrage

Deborah Brandt, radio news host on KUOW in Seattle, reported today - in the wake of the election results - how to emigrate FROM the United States and apply to live in CANADA! Web addresses were given, as well as the costs associated with making the move. Canadian authorities report a tremendous spike in the number of hits on their immigration website. Meanwhile, Robert Redford says he is moving to Ireland. (Update: it looks like Drudge is reading the UrbaneR again...)

Here's to hoping it's a trend!

And hey, remember, as you plan your departure - that these countries are part of the U.S. coalition in Iraq. It would be horrible if you mistook these countries for someone who cared...

Czech Republic
El Salvador
New Zealand
United Kingdom

The Angry Left may finally be coming to understand how normal Americans felt after the 9/11 attacks. A poll on DemocraticUnderground.com asks:
"Which is more depressing, 9/11/01 or 11/3/04?"

The results at this writing:

When terrorists brutally kill 3,000 Americans on 9/11: 29%

When Republicans are reelected by historic margins on 11/3: 71%

I am not making this up. And it is telling, very telling. Now that Republicans have been reelected with convincing, almost insurmountable majorities in Congress - and George W. Bush has received more votes than any other president in history, how does the Left Wing analysis stack up? Do they have a game plan that is going to bring them roaring back next time? Are they countering Republican moves with fresh insight and bold 'strategery'? Hardly. They are whining like children! And grasping at conclusions that say a whole lot more about what is in their hearts than what any evidence suggests: they rant about how the whole thing was a big fix!

Meanwhile, the Left is going nuts about the specter of Right Wing Theocracy. I find this incredibly curious. I promised myself never to characterize the Left in the ways they have labelled me since the 2000 campaign (Dumb, Moron, Vicious, Hater...) but MASS HYSTERICAL PARANOIA does seem to apply here.

My response has been: You're falling into a propaganda trap. It may make you feel better. But it is all propaganda, and worthless, in the end. Better to find those political issues you are passionate about and put your energy into achieving them. These bits of drivel are in no small part why liberals have become Fundamentalist in their viewpoints to the same degree that extreme right wing Christians have - both camps use the same forms of argument, and flash into anger at contrary viewpoints. It will consume you if you let it. If you like, I can put you in touch with mainstream Democrats right here in Seattle who once upon a time had been in leadership and would no doubt join with you in working hard to turn things around for their party.

If I were a true party guy I would be encouraging your hatred - because all of those name-calling stickers and signs out there actually were a huge help to the Republicans. The Democrats did our work for us - they united our factions and brought out energy and commitment. Michael Moore elected George W. Bush - the "fahrenheit factor" was decisive, no doubt about it. All the Republicans had to do was point and say: "See? Told 'ya..."

Just remember that I love politics - I majored in the subject - and studied in England and the Soviet Union. Did a year of graduate school at American U in D.C. - and am a liberal Republican. Like Rudy G, Arnold, Colin Powell and so many more.

As a youngster on the soccer pitch, I learned from a wise coach that if you can keep a smile on your face - it is going to intimidate your opponent. And if you can get your opponent to cuss and whine - they are doing half the work of causing their own defeat - and (in effect) are helping you give 150%! And finally, if you go into a contest without respecting your opponent - those are the competitions that, if you lose, you are going to lose badly. Give it your all, play fair - win or lose show some grace to your opponents. All of these wise coaching maxims have application to the 2004 elections. As a kid, I don't seem to recall having ever been on any teams with the guy who grew up to become chairman of the Democratic National Committee - right Terry McAuliffe?

I cannot countenance name calling by any faction - and am quick to point out to Democrats that it is their self-righteous, fundamentalist attitudes that have rendered them these recent election results. Conversely, I can go down a long list of active Democrats that are center-right and Christian that have been completely shut out of leadership in their party over the last fifteen years - those running the Democratic Party made their choice a long long time ago.

Not a single Republican (and I have been a delegate to district, county and state conventions many times) has ever questioned my right to be a "Republican" based on any issue I support, among them:

- actively working to ban the death penalty (the nation's leader on this is the former Illinois Governor - a Republican);
- pro-choice though feel that abortion is a sin - but back alley abortions would be a far greater sin;
- actively pro-environment, but believe that ANWR and the roadless rule debate are tangents;

As a very good friend who just happens to be a Lesbian Mom told me regarding election day, "I voted for your guys (Bush and Rossi)... because I would rather deal with the terrorists 'there' than 'here' and because my (small) business runs at such tight margins that I cannot deal with any more bureaucratic and tax burdens. And I take you at your word that the government is going to stay out of my bedroom."

But frankly, it was Bush's support for states-rights based domestic partnership legislative options as an alternative to gay marriage that probably swayed her. She, as a homosexual, does not want to associate her 'partnership' with 'marriage' - which given the divorce rate she views as a failed system. Fair enough.

How's that for a start?

Oh, and by the way, I would love to hear a concise definition of the meaning, and see any evidence or facts pointing to a conservative "theocracy" - anything at all. Please, actually.

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