19 April 2004

UrbaneR Swags Off For Africa

The UrbaneR is on the road to Uganda making a documentary film about the work of Sister Schools' partnering with families and teachers to encourage and support academic achievement - in both Africa and the United States. Uganda's great strides in ongoing recovery from genocide a quarter century ago will also be a focus, with a view toward helping the world understand Rwanda's challenge. The Bugandan people of Kampala have a great formality and dignity - men wear a shirt and tie whenever possible, for example. Yet choruses of drums are their church bells and organs during worship services. This is going to be a great trip! After two weeks of hard work, we will conclude with a wildlife photo safari in the Masai Mara of Kenya. There are many cyber cafe's so I hope to post from Africa - but the primary job is to get video of the experience to share about Sister Schools.

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