07 February 2010

Palin: crib notes bad - Obama: teleprompter good

You gotta love the media - the way they love to hate Sarah Palin - it is making her a multi millionaire and (if they keep it up) the next president of the United States. Most recently, it is outrage over "crib notes" on her hand during the big speech at the Tea Party convention this weekend. Here it is: msnbc.com: Did Palin have crib notes written on hand?

They just can't get over their "Palin (insert conservative name here) is stupid" label shtick.

What they can't seem to wrap their own effete (but hey, their brilliant, just ask them) minds around is that a story like Sarah's crib notes will bring instant recollection of Barack's affection for the teleprompter - up to, and including, presidential speeches in an elementary school classroom.

Here's a heads up to the power elite: "the folks" out there will find Sarah's crib notes endearing - and they already find Barack's teleprompter revolting.

Keep it up MSNBC, you just can't help yourselves.

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