Senate Unanimously Passes Resolution on Conflict Targeting Children in Uganda
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3 /PRNewswire/ -- The president of Christian relief and development agency World Vision thanked Senate members today for last night's unanimous approval of a resolution calling for increased U.S. engagement to end a 20-year civil war in the northern region of Uganda that viciously and deliberately targets children.
Since 1986, northern Uganda has been plagued by a conflict between the Ugandan government and a rebel group called the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). The LRA has become internationally reviled for its practice of attacking civilians and abducting children, forcing them to serve as soldiers and sex slaves within its ranks.
"We are gratified to see this kind of bipartisan attention and action focused on helping northern Uganda's children," said World Vision President Richard E. Stearns. "It's a signal to us, and to other organizations advocating on their behalf, that the political will is there to help end this war."
Sponsored by Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) and co-sponsored by a bipartisan group of 43 Senators, the resolution calls for the governments of Sudan, Uganda and the United States, as well as the international community, to better engage in efforts to promote peace in northern Uganda.
"This resolution is long overdue and is only the beginning," said Inhofe. "I urge President Bush to examine every aspect of his executive authority to relieve the suffering in northern Uganda. I also urge far more action from the United Nations. These significant steps can shed light into the darkness that has cloaked this ongoing tragedy in Uganda and can begin to affect change for peace."
Inhofe visited northern Uganda in April 2005 and toured World Vision's Children of War Rehabilitation Program in Gulu, which has helped nearly 14,000 formerly abducted children recover from their traumatic experiences in LRA captivity.
World Vision is a Christian relief and development organization, dedicated to helping children and their families worldwide reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty. For more information, visit
Why after 20 years of civil war in Northern Uganda would the US want to get involved in Uganda? I have been following the Uganda situation for a number of years now and I think the US has been secretly involved in the background in keeping the war there going. Now why would that be? Could it be that Uganda's president museveni is corrupt and taking back handers for allowing GM crops into his country unkinwing to his people?
That is ridiculous, better lighten up on the Koolaid consumption. Are there any liberal intellectuals anymore?
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