Ron Christie
photo: Greater Talent Network
At an event in Harlem honoring the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, Senator Hillary Clinton denigrated all Americans with words that go beyond vicious - that sink to the lowest of the low.
Forbes.com quotes her saying that the House "has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talking about," said Clinton, D-N.Y. "It has been run in a way so that nobody with a contrary view has had a chance to present legislation, to make an argument, to be heard."
Senator Trent Lott resigned from Republican leadership after apologizing for making a pandering racial remark that was soft by comparison. Former senior White House aide (and author of the new book "Black in the White House") Ron Christie says Hillary should apologize, or resign completely, from the United States Senate.
Speaking on CNN moments ago, Christie stated that likening a branch of our government to a slavery era plantation - where human beings were subjected to systematic brutality and sexual violence, is beyond the pale and should not stand. Just yesterday Christie gave this interview to FrontPage Magazine - an appropriate and fitting tribute to Dr. King which I commend to you in full. Ron Christie is a leader - and as an American who is proud of his African heritage, deserves to be heard. The question is about moral leadership, and whether our country will let stand extremist "race card" politics. Senator Clinton has lowered us all into the muck and mire - exactly what Dr. King raised us out of. That she cannot perceive this fact says something very sad about who she is as a person. But our countenancing such a remark in the name of politics only compounds the damage done to our system of government. Her sentiment is stunning in the callow way she would stoop to such pandering for hopes of raw political gain.
I join in Christie's call for Senator Clinton to publicly apologize to the House of Representatives and the American people for such outrageous remarks - or, absent that, for her resignation. Senator Clinton betrays her true self with these remarks. She is by nature a divider, and a hater. A drumbeat regarding accountability is needed. Get on the GOP Blog and speak out about this, let our leaders know how you feel. We have to counter the liberal mainstream media, who will do their best to ignore this - we have to force them to cover this story - and blogs are the way to do it.
1 comment:
Scott, reading the Forbes piece in context, it appears Clinton was likening the present US administration to everything that was bad (ie almost everything)about slavery in the south - ie zero consultation, freedom of expression, dissent harshly squashed etc...whether that is a fair comparison notwithstanding, surely she's on the side of the angels in condemming the "plantation" days in the south of the union?
Regards, Mick.
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