The news business is competitive - but it sure as heck isn't a sport. It is hard-edged, get-it-first and put-it-out-right kind of hard work. When it comes to the ongoing problems with King County government, the issues have very little of the WOW! factor going for them. It is tedious and boring to uncover the big stories, and sometimes it can take days (or months) to confirm one little fact needed to "air it out" publicly. But it is incredibly important work.
That's why reporters who take on tough stories deserve our thanks. In particular, Chris Halsne at KIRO television news deserves to get an e-mail "atta way" for breaking this story: the King County Medical Examiner brain scandal relates to fundamentally important questions about respect - and what has happened to the culture of public service in our region. The issues raised in these reports deserve a full airing - and corrective action. E-mail a note to Chris here.
Also to thank is Rick Anderson of the Seattle Weekly. Getting into issues that other journalists find too complicated or not-sexy-enough has distinguished the career of this veteran reporter - while serving the public of our region admirably. You can e-mail Rick at:
Be unfailingly polite, on-point, and encouraging. And tell 'em to keep hammering on this story!
-Urbane R
(Tomorrow I will put up a post about another way we can exercise "people power" and send a message against the Culture of Death in our community - in support of that you can play an important role in sending a message that goes nationwide: All you have to do is go to the movies...)
KIRO 7 announced tonight that a family filed paperwork to initiate a $500,000.00 lawsuit against King County and it's "Medical Examiner". Me thinks the fireworks are starting.
Well the story continues. Tonight, KIRO 7 announced several lawsuits against the medical examiner.
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