That's why reporters who take on tough stories deserve our thanks. In particular, Chris Halsne at KIRO television news deserves to get an e-mail "atta way" for breaking this story: the King County Medical Examiner brain scandal relates to fundamentally important questions about respect - and what has happened to the culture of public service in our region. The issues raised in these reports deserve a full airing - and corrective action. E-mail a note to Chris here.
Also to thank is Rick Anderson of the Seattle Weekly. Getting into issues that other journalists find too complicated or not-sexy-enough has distinguished the career of this veteran reporter - while serving the public of our region admirably. You can e-mail Rick at:
Be unfailingly polite, on-point, and encouraging. And tell 'em to keep hammering on this story!
-Urbane R
(Tomorrow I will put up a post about another way we can exercise "people power" and send a message against the Culture of Death in our community - in support of that you can play an important role in sending a message that goes nationwide: All you have to do is go to the movies...)
KIRO 7 announced tonight that a family filed paperwork to initiate a $500,000.00 lawsuit against King County and it's "Medical Examiner". Me thinks the fireworks are starting.
Well the story continues. Tonight, KIRO 7 announced several lawsuits against the medical examiner.
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