Perhaps now the world will finally taking notice: they mean what they say about Africa. Download the Commission for Africa report- released today - here.
Bono, Bob Geldof and Tony Blair - through various means and with major differences in style - are harmoniously setting forth the case for two big changes: real progress on advancing people's lives in Africa, and an end to the era of the strongman.
No doubt recent events, which are triggering democracy "breaking out" all over in the Muslim World, has made imagination of these possibilities more poignant in the last few weeks. And who do they have to thank for "amping up" the cause of freedom - the man who is putting backbone into that steely ambition for a free and just society in every nation? Oh, let's see, 'lemme think here, oh yeah...
George W. Bush!
1 comment:
Interesting view on the Brits. I like all of the work you have been doing on Uganda...
We have made some big changes at our blog. You should log on and check it out, it's really coming along nicely.
Too bad PLU may want to shut us down. Apparently, we are in violation of "university computer guidlines". We are scheduled for a meeting with Student Life this Wednesday...hopefully none of us get expelled!
Know of any good Republican free speech lawyers? Or any that would like to play one on Wednesdday?
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