This today from Canadian Press:
"Canada's announcement that it won't join the U.S. missile shield provoked an immediate warning that it has relinquished sovereignty over its airspace.
From now on, the U.S. government will control any decision to fire at incoming missiles over Canadian territory, declared the top U.S. envoy to Canada."
'Bout time, I say.
"We will deploy. We will defend North America," said Paul Cellucci, the U.S. ambassador to Canada.
"We simply cannot understand why Canada would in effect give up its sovereignty - its seat at the table - to decide what to do about a missile that might be coming towards Canada."
With all due respect, Ambassador Cellucci, but when was the last time Canada went about doing ANYTHING rationally? This is the country that is turning its major cities into drug dens, people who whine about EVERYTHING we do that reflects on their irresponsibility - domestically and abroad. They do make good beer though.
"The response came just moments after Prime Minister Paul Martin ended months of ambiguity Thursday by announcing that he would not sign on to the controversial missile-defence program."
Given the stance taken by Prime Minister-Dictator Martin, he would no doubt hope and expect that as much Canadian territory as possible will be left vulnerable to attack. Or maybe he holds that prim Euro-Peon attitude, that we just need to form encounter groups with the terrorists and share our feelings. And, while we're at it - if the U.S. would just not KICK BUTT all the time in business, sports, culture, entertainment and (oh, I don't know) EVERYTHING then people wouldn't hate us so much.
The U.S. will be magnanimous, no doubt, and protect all of Canada save its capitol Ottawa - which seems to be the where the lunacy called public policy in Canada is centrally controlled with masterful precision.
We can be sure that a clear-minded (i.e., not on the drugs they are so proud of up there) Canadian or two will call for U.S. annexation - or failing that - invasion, in order to be freed of socialism under the comrade-red Maple Leaf flag.
Fat chance. We can afford to liberate Iraq, but Canada?
That's too tall an order, eh?
Colonial outpost they have always been, colonial outpost they will always be. We have grown to expect unrest from the minions from time to time. Did you know I could expect prosecution up there for speaking my mind in this way?
C'est la vie there, MacKenzie.
Dictator Martin, meanwhile, "said he would expect to be consulted on what to do about any missile passing over Canada."
Excuse me? What to do? What would YOU do, Dictator Martin, when a bad guy's nuke-tipped monster-of-armageddon is winging in over Tuktoyaktuk - call France?
In another breathtaking demonstration of Canadian logic, "Martin insisted the move won't hurt relations with the U.S."
"Canada and the United States remain one another's staunchest allies and closest friends... and we will continue to ensure that our overall relationship grows stronger and that our people enjoy increased security and prosperity."
Yeah, right dude. Like, totally. Hang us all out to dry, and we are just going to be nicey-nicey about it? I don't think so. Expect a word or two from us, and quit whining all the time.
In the words of Napoleon Dynamite: Idiot!
As the Canadian Pravda, err, Press article cynically intoned:
"Missile defence supporters said the program wouldn't have cost Canada a dime, nor would it have placed missiles on Canadian soil. U.S. officials have indicated they didn't really need Canada's help, but would have appreciated political support from their neighbour as they attempted to sell the plan abroad."
Given the Canadian policy regarding immigration, and the "profile" presented by large Canadian cities to provide staging areas for Muslim extremists, is putting up a wall on the Mexico border the only place to be investing our homeland security resources?
Paul Martin Flips the Big L "Loser" Handsign
Meanwhile, back in the free world, Japan is now working in close partnership with the U.S. to develop missile shield technology - in order to protect their homeland as well as ours. And India is working on purchasing an upgraded Patriot missile battery system from the U.S. - which the Pakistan press notes without apparent alarm.
Anti-missile missiles are like an insurance policy. You pay for it. You never hope to use it. You sleep at night.
And can get out of bed in the morning. Simple, really.
Note: POGO Blog watches the missile defense shield issue, among others.
Better living through deterrence.
Hey Canucks!
I'd love to be Ambassador up there!
Under my leadership the flogging will continue until morale improves, eh?
P. Scott, right on! Canada has had it coming for a long time. But don’t get too carried away, we have a lot of conservative allies up there!
As you Rightly explicate, Canada has benefited immensely for decades under American protection. The ever elusive Canadian identity seems to be one of struggling to survive. That's what you get when you live in a mostly snow covered barren land. That’s also what you get when you are the Northern Neighbor to the world’s last remaining super power. The Canadian identity over the last few decades has been “un-American”, i.e. Canadians identify as being “not-Americans”.
But there are conservatives up there! In fact, in Alberta and the Prairie Provinces, there are many Canadians who believe they have more in common with the American Midwest than their Pacific and Atlantic Coast "Can-asses". Canada has an interesting geo-political divide, especially with their First Nations people, and their resident French-Canadian contingents.
Canadians are always ready to preach how great of a health care system they have, and how helpful their peacekeepers are...what they neglect to tell you, is that they can have those institutions because of American HARD POWER! What Canada doesn’t like to brag about is that both of those institutions are weakening, day by day, they are slipping closer to insolvency.
The French dimension is a bit much though- Quebecers hate the rest of Canada, just as much as the rest of Canada hates them. Prime-pee-on Martin has his hands full up there; he is still trying to fend-off the "sponsorship scandal". For those of you who don't follow Canadian politics, that's where Ottawa gave $100 million to private firms to waive the flag all over Quebec. Unfortunately, those firms kept most of the money...
Ah...yes, a very interesting political cross-section up there.
I have some good friends in Ontario who are so socially conservative they won't vote for the conservative party because it's too liberal. BUT...
They are practically SOCIALIST on economic policy. They don't even know what capitalism looks like.
P.Scott, Cox and Forkum hs a cartoon for you!
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