Fremont makes the Lenin statue central to their community celebrations - that they want to link a mass murderer to Christmas insults Christians everywhere.
(cross-posted at Sound Politics)
For those of you that are new to Sound Politics or blogging in general, it was the Fourth of July, 2001 B.B.E. (Before Blogging Era) which became a defining moment for values in this community. And it was then proto-blogger Matt Rosenberg with this op-ed piece in the Seattle Times which set down the marker. But his point would not have been made without the letters to the editor which followed. And while you're at it, read this in Capitalism Magazine from Edwin Feulner, president of the Heritage Foundation - yet another Rosenberg fan.
With the Ukrainian Ballot crisis in King County, we are experiencing another moment of clarity regarding our political culture - which stings like a cold splash of dioxin on the face. This is a fascinating time in our region's politics - one marking the re-awakening of Republicans and 'Scoop Jackson' (or should I say, Matt Rosenberg?) Democrats.
Matt hasn't been the only one to stand up to Lenin and his Fremont boosters - take this recent op-ed by Mike Dillon (Publisher of weekly newspapers, among them the Queen Anne and Magnolia News, North Seattle Herald-Outlook, Capitol Hill Times, Kirkland Courier, Madison Park Times, and Beacon Hill News & Sound District Journal. Oh, and for some gratuitous, self- aggrandizing full disclosure: I am also a columnist for Pacific Publishing).
Finally, I ask you to consider the full ramifications of our countenancing Lenin in our midst. Personally, I support a range of actions, from protest and boycott all the way to civil disobedience regarding efforts at its removal. If you are still not convinced, may I commend you to the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in Washington, DC.
The Lenin cult was well established in the old Soviet Union soon after his death, his followers will do anything to 'neutralize' his image - placing his statue in Seattle - the most Left Wing city in America, is a triumph for Communists worldwide.
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