18 November 2004

Sam-Plat Angst Or Cul-de-Sac Conspiracist?

This in the Seattle Times yesterday from disaffected former Republican, now trying-to-please Sammamish Democrat politician Brian Derdowski. Could it be a case of Dino-envy?

That unique form of populism known as Brian Derdowski never fails to confound his audience with tortured logic and angst-ridden befuddlement. Just don't mistake his life with the movie The Big Lebowski - because at least that character - played by Jeff Bridges - and as written by the Coen Brothers - had charm in a slacker kind of way. Derdowski could have done a better job with his op/ed if he had taken a cue from his bowling buddies like in the movie - and gotten some help.

But never mind the bowling buddies, Derdowski has got it all figured out: The Moral Majority is going to leave the Republican fold in anger over corporate sell-out trumping return-to-the-50's legislated ethics. Yeah right (to both presumptions).

"What if the sincere prayers of millions of faithful for a Bush victory are answered with some scandal or profound policy setback? Talk about voter alienation! And what of the concern that many people who disagree with what they perceive as the politics of the church may harden their hearts to the church's fundamental spiritual message?"

Quick, somebody call Billy Graham - because Reverend Derdowski knows something nobody else ever thought about! Gotta call that Theocracy off. Stop the Fundamentalist take over - Brian's telling you its gonna blow up in your face!

Besides, he says - we Puget Sounders are all just plain folks (wink), with me? Good Norman Rockwell-style proletarians all.

"Over the next four years, we may well experience a political earthquake caused by a collision of two tectonic plates of the Republican Party."

No wonder Democrats have made this such a widely circulated "piece" today (this op/ed is near the top of the Seattle Times' most e-mailed columns over the last twenty four hours). But isn't it truly amazing that this is the depths to which Democrat ambition has sunk in dealing with their political competitors on the issues?

Yeah right (again) Brian, that earthquake's going to cut loose just after the Democrats go into schism over Slavery Reparations and from fractious inter-party debate regarding those Democrats who join in the upcoming Congress with further dismantling of the 1960's Great Society "welfare trap" - particularly with regard to education funding.

Oops, come to think of it, THAT could happen.

Okay, Earth to Brian: THE REPUBLICANS ARE MORE UNITED THAN THEY HAVE BEEN AT ANY TIME IN THE PARTY'S HISTORY. The degree of unity, across the board from liberals like me all the way to the campus of Bob Jones University, has been forged based on levels of respect, dialogue and compromise within the Republican Party that are almost spooky (I threw that in to touch off you conspiracy nuts). George W. Bush has accomplished this feat - with a little bit of help from diatribes like yours and a whole bunch of help from that "Karl Rove double agent" known as Michael Moore - who did yeoman work in delivering re-election to the side of truth, justice and the American Way. And delivering as well, utter Democrat befuddlement going forward for quite some time to come.

Keep campaigning Brian, the Republican Party is benefitting more from your efforts as a Democrat than they ever did when you were wearing their label!

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